Coastal Life Counseling, LLC

Charlene Whetstone, MA, NCC, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor

(251) 979-6060

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. 

Considering counseling?

(Please see NOTICE below)  You have come to the right place to find help for your concerns, whether it is with mental health issues, OR You just need to talk with someone who can help you work through your feelings, thoughts and actions that may be disrupting your life.


  1. I am NOT taking new clients until further notice.  I am however taking continuing and returning clients via teletherapy/virtual only.  
  2. I am registered in Florida to provide telehealth as an out of state provider. Click here to go to the Florida Department of Health for verification. 

I am easily reached by text or email ( if you have any questions. Please leave a message with your number and email and I will get back with you. 

If I haven’t returned your phone call or text within 24 hours, please feel free to send me an email or call again.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I will post here, Voicemail, and Psychology Today when this situation changes for me. 




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Being comfortable with yourself.

Being comfortable with being who you are: Do you spend too much time worrying about what someone thinks or would think about your actions?  Counseling can help you to be more yourself, to feel good about being you, or learn to self-differentiate. Self-differentiation is when you feel good about self, know your strengths, abilities, and successes, make actions according …

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